Should I store my EndNote library in cloud storage?

Can I store my EndNote database in cloud-based storage like Dropbox so I can access it from multiple devices?


EndNote isn't recommended for use with cloud storage services like Dropbox, OneDrive, SharePoint, Box Sync, Google Drive, Mega or iCloud.

The synchronization process used by cloud storage can easily corrupt the files in your EndNote library.

Use them to safely store a backup copy of your compressed EndNote library instead. While you can use the service to keep a backup copy or share a compressed copy of your database file(s), we do not recommend opening and/or using the database from that location. If you have your database files saved to Dropbox or any cloud storage, we recommend you copy the files to another location on your computer or remote drive before you open them.

See advice from EndNote support, Clarivate, regarding the use of cloud storage for EndNote.

  • Last Updated Sep 21, 2023
  • Views 123
  • Answered By Dr Bindhu Nair

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