Harvard Referencing


Question: Who can i do in-text citation for the article with two authors have the same surname? for example (Dhungana & Dhungana, 2020).

Answer: If two or more sources have authors with the same surname and were written in the same year, they should be distinguished by including the authors' initials in the relevant citations for example, it was emphasized that citations in a text should be consistent (R.F. Jones, 1998). In a work published later that year, C.B. Jones (1998) proposed that...

Question: Ok, what about 2 articles with the same surname for example (smith, 2020) and (smith, 2018), I can keep them both because the year is different right?

Answer: Yes you have to keep both, It is two different articles by two different authors.


  • Last Updated Sep 21, 2023
  • Views 64
  • Answered By Dr Bindhu Nair

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